All About Lolita


What is lolita
I am very addicted about this and I found a site about all things about it. Check this out Also check this awesome store

What is Lolita?
Lolita is a Japanese street fashion inspired primarily by the clothing and general aesthetics of the Rococo and Victorian periods. This fashion movement started in Japan in the 1980's and has evolved greatly since. Nowadays Lolita Fashion has grown to be relatively popular all over the world. Relatively popular for an obscure Japanese street fashion, that is.

Anatomy of a Lolita Outfit

Lolita Styles

Choosing your Style

Deciding on your style is the difficult part, especially when you cannot simply walk into a store and try it on yourself. The important thing to ask is whether it will look good on you, and whether you will feel good wearing it. Would you look silly in Sweet? Is Gothic too dark? Punk not girly enough? Classic too muted or old fashioned for your taste? It never hurts to experiment, but just don't let your wallet suffer for it.

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I will introduce you to some of the basic Japanese Smileys(Emoticons), which is used in e-mails very often in Japan. You can try them as I explain them. As most people don't see some of Smileys because they contain Japanese font characters


Good morning(おはよう / Ohayou)
Hello (こんにちは / Konnichiwa)

Good evening(こんばんは / Konbanwa)
( ゚▽゚)/コンバンハ

Good night(おやすみなさい / oyasuminasai)

Hi!(やぁ!/ Yaa)
( ^_^)/ やぁ!

Thank you(ありがとう / Arigato)

Congratulation(おめでとう / Omedeto)
オメデトウ ( ^ _ ^)∠☆PAN!

Good bye!(さようなら / Sayounara)
(^ _ ^)/~~サヨナラ

I'm sorry(ごめんなさい / Gomen nasai)
m(_ _)m ゴメンナサイ

Nice to meet you(おはつ / Ohatsu)

Salute(enter and exit) / Aisatsu(deiri) / あいさつ(出入り)
I'm Home/ I'm back(ただいま / Tadaima)
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ タダイマァ

Welcome home(おかえり / Okaeri)

Welcome(いらっしゃい / Irasshai)

Character / Karakutaa / キャラクター (きゃらくたー)
dog(犬 / いぬ / inu)

cat(猫 / ねこ / neko)

bear(熊 / くま / kuma)
( ̄(エ) ̄)

pig(豚 / ぶた / buta)
( ´(00)`)

person(人 / ひと / hito)

star(星 / ほし / hoshi)

decorative lines(装飾線 / そうしょくせん /soushokusen)

You can see the rest here